

Google Android 开发者 2021-08-05

项目 (以下简称 "项目"): "Android 开发者" 官方微信公众号方言应援活动

活动日期 (如果适用): 2021 年 03 月

通过发送我的语音给 "Android 开发者" 官方微信公众号,本人授予 Google LLC (以下简称 "Google") 及其关联公司在项目中生成涉及本人 (含本人声音,微信头像,和微信昵称) 的音频、图像、数字或其他录制内容 (包括但不限于照片、数字图片、数字视频、数字音频、录像带、录音带或转录内容) (统称为 "录制内容") 的权限。本人同时在全球范围内授予 Google 及其关联公司不受限制、可分许可、可转让、不可撤消、非独占、免版税的永久性许可,允许 Google 及其关联公司在录制内容中使用本人的姓名、声音、图片、形象、肖像、采访言论、赞词、表演、演示以及本人提供的任何材料 (以下简称 "材料")。材料和录制内容在本授权协议中统称为 "内容"。本许可涵盖但不限于以下权利: (i) 重制、制作内容的衍生作品以及使用内容,无论是全部或部分,无论采用何种方式,无论是否搭配其他任何材料 (所得内容以下简称为 "作品");(ii) 公开展示、公开演示、销售、出租、分发 (直接或间接)、传输或播放内容和作品 (包括但不限于在视频、印刷版宣传册、网站、电子邮件和博文中使用)。Google 拥有录制内容中的所有知识产权。除本授权协议中授予的权利和许可外,双方各自保留在本授权协议之外拥有的所有权利。

本人无权从 Google 获取任何费用。本人放弃所有权利,对于因使用和利用内容而引发的任何已知或未知索赔,本人免除 Google 及其关联公司需为此承担的责任。

本人声明并保证: (i) 签署本授权协议不会与本人需要履行的任何合同发生任何冲突;(ii) 本人拥有授权签署本授权协议所需的全部权力和权限,并拥有授予与内容相关的权利和许可所需的权力和权限;(iii) 材料没有毁谤任何人;并且 (iv) 本人将对参与项目一事予以保密。

在任何情况下,任何一方根据本授权协议赔偿任何损失的金额上限为 100 美元。本授权协议受美国加利福尼亚州法律的约束,但不考虑其法律冲突规则。如果发生与本授权协议相关的任何争议 (以下简称 "争议"),双方将努力本着善意的原则在争议发生后的 30 天内予以解决。如果争议在 30 天内未能解决,则必须交由美国仲裁协会国际争议解决中心根据本授权协议生效之日起适用的快速仲裁规则予以仲裁解决。双方须共同选择一位仲裁员。仲裁将在美国加利福尼亚州的圣克拉拉县使用英语进行。双方均可向任何具有司法管辖权的法院申请禁令救济,以保护其等待仲裁处理结果的权利。仲裁员做出的所有裁定都将是终局的并对双方具有约束力,以仲裁裁定为基础的判决可由具有适当司法管辖权的任何法院做出。仲裁员可以根据本授权协议中的救济方法和限制提供衡平法救济或禁令救济。与仲裁相关的所有披露信息 (包括仲裁的存在) 均属于机密信息。不过,双方可以根据机密限制条款将此类信息披露给相应法院,用以寻求任何仲裁裁决或判决的执行或寻求本授权协议条款允许的任何救济。如果本授权协议或其中任何部分被翻译为其他任何语言,则在发生冲突时须以英语版文本为准。


PROJECT ("Project"): CN "Android Developers" official WeChat subscription account social campaign

EVENT DATE (if applicable): March 2021

By submitting my voice to "Android Developers" official WeChat account, I authorize Google LLC ("Google") and its affiliates to create an audio, visual, digital or other recording (including but not limited to, photographs, digital images, digital video, digital audio, videotape, audiotape, or transcript) of me (including my voice, wechat profile photo, and wechat nickname) in the Project (collectively, the "Recordings"). I grant to Google and its affiliates an unrestricted, sublicensable, assignable, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use my name, voice, image, persona, likeness, interview, testimonial, performance, presentation and any materials supplied by me ("Materials") in the Recordings. Materials and Recordings are collectively referred to as "Content" in this release. This license includes without limitation the right to (i) reproduce, create derivative works of, and otherwise use the Content, in whole or in part, in any manner or in combination with any other material (the "Works"); and (ii) publicly display, publicly perform, sell, rent, distribute (directly or indirectly), transmit, or broadcast the Content and Works (including but not limited to use in videos, printed brochures, websites, emails, and blog posts). Google owns all intellectual property in the Recordings. Except for the rights and licenses granted in this release, each party retains all rights it would have independent of this release. 

I am not entitled to receive any fee from Google. I waive all rights and release Google and its affiliates from any claim, whether now known or unknown, relating to the use and exploitation of the Content. 

I represent and warrant that: (i) execution of this release will not cause any conflict with any contract by which I am bound; (ii) I have full power and authority to authorize this release and the power and authority to grant the rights and licenses relating to the Content; (iii) Materials do not defame anyone; and (iv) I will keep my participation in the Project confidential. 

IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES UNDER THIS RELEASE IN EXCESS OF USD100. This release will be governed by the laws of the state of California, USA, except for its conflicts of laws principles. The parties will try in good faith to settle any dispute relating to this release ("Dispute") within thirty days after such Dispute arises. If the Dispute is not resolved within thirty days, it must be resolved by arbitration by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution of the American Arbitration Association and conducted in accordance with its Expedited Commercial Rules in force as of the date of this release. There will be one arbitrator selected by mutual agreement of the parties. The arbitration will be conducted in English in Santa Clara County, California, USA. Either party may apply to any court having jurisdiction for injunctive relief necessary to protect its rights pending resolution of the arbitration. Any decision rendered by the arbitrator will be final and binding on the parties, and judgment thereon may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator may order equitable or injunctive relief consistent with the remedies and limitations in this release. All information disclosed in connection with the arbitration, including the existence of the arbitration, will be confidential Information. The parties may, however, disclose such information to an appropriate court under confidentiality restrictions, as necessary to seek enforcement of any arbitration award or judgment or to seek any relief permitted under the terms hereof. If this release or any part of it is translated into any other language, the English text will take precedence in the event of a conflict.

